Policies are in place to cover all aspects of school life and ensure that we fulfil our statutory duties.
We publish our policies on our website to make them easily accessible for everyone in our school communities including parents, carers, volunteers and employees.
Please see below for the policies and procedures which apply to all our schools. Please note that these may be branded as Willows Academy Trust Policies and include reference to Willows Academy Trust until they are replaced by ONE Academy Trust policies. For the avoidance of doubt, please consider references to Willows Academy Trust to relate also to ONE Academy Trust.
Policies and procedures that are individual to each school can be accessed from our school websites.
If you want to know our policy on something and you cannot find it listed, or you would like a printed copy of a policy, please contact your school office or ddakin@sawley-inf.derbyshire.sch.uk.
General information for parents
Safeguarding & Child Protection
See school websites for each school's Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy, which is tailored to reflect each school's context.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
For more information about how we support pupils with SEND and their families please see our section relating to SEND. Each of our schools has their own SEND policy which is closely linked with each school's Accessibility Plan and their annual SEND Information Report. All these documents are available on the school's website.
Each of our schools has its own behaviour policy which reflects its individual approach, tailored to the school. Please see each school's website or contact the school for details.
Health & Safety
Data Protection, Privacy Notices and Freedom of Information
Equality & Diversity and Accessibility
For more information about how we deal with concerns and complaints, please see our section Concerns and Complaints.
When raising a complaint, it is helpful if you use the attached form. This can be downloaded from the website or, on request, we can email a copy to you or print a copy for you.