Remote Learning
Remote education provision: information for parents
Each of our schools has developed an approach to the provision of remote education tailored to the needs of their school, pupils and parents. This information is published on the school website and also communicated to parents and carers using the usual school means of communication (email, parentmail, text etc.).
The information provided on each school's website is intended to:
- provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where groups of children are required to remain at home;
- explain what to expect when individual pupils are working from home for various reasons such as long-term illness or periods of suspension.
Each school also has a Remote Learning policy in place to ensure that all remote learning provision meets statutory requirements for data protection and safeguarding.
If you have any problems accessing the information you require, please contact the school office of the relevant school (contact details on website) who will be happy to help you with your query.