Welcome from the Chief Executive:
Willows Academy Trust and Believe Academy Trust have merged to become ONE Academy Trust. The Trust now eight member schools across the East Midlands. We think our values and ethos set us apart from other Trusts in that there is a strong focus on enabling our member schools to drive their own improvement whilst maintaining their own autonomy.
We have nurtured a strong supportive environment that utilises the collective skills of our headteachers and practitioners. The Trust attracts and appoints high calibre staff and we have developed partnerships with businesses, teaching alliances, and universities. To enable us to nurture talent and ensure we grow our own inspirational leaders.
Children are the centre of our focus and our schools must ensure they reach their potential. A ‘no excuse culture’ is paramount to achieving this. Our schools provide pupils with opportunities that expands their understanding of the world and raise their aspirations for the future.
EveryONE Matters
We are currently working with our school communities to develop our ethos and values.
Graham Boyd
Chief Executive Officer
ONE Academy Trust